3 taken to hospital after crash sends car into Midland restaurant

MIDLAND, TX — Three people were sent to a hospital Sunday after a two-vehicle wreck caused one car to crash into a Burger King in Midland, reports NewsWest9.

The collision occurred at the intersection of Kansas Street and Andrews Highway (Texas State Highway 158) on October 16.

City of Midland officials said a driver in an SUV was traveling eastbound on Kansas Street when they failed to yield the right of way at the stop sign. Moments later, the SUV struck a Dodge pickup truck that had entered the intersection. The impact of the crash caused the SUV to veer to the left and slam into the nearby Burger King.

Two people between the two involved vehicles suffered minor injuries and were transproted to Midland Memorial Hospital.

Only one person, an employee, was in the building at the time of the wreck. That person was also taken to the hospital as a precautionary measure.

Following the accident, the driver of the SUV was issued a citation for not yielding the right of way, having an expired license, and having expired registration.


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