San Antonio Crash Report: Woman run over, injured in NW San Antonio hit-and-run

Crash Report – 8700 Wurzbach Road, San Antonio, TX


Report ID: 2022 December 18

NCIC#: Unknown

OFFICER ID#: Unknown

Traffic Unit 1:  Female pedestrian

Traffic Unit 2: Unknown vehicle

Occupants: 2

Vehicle Damage (If Any): Unknown

Property Damage (other than vehicles): Unknown

Road Surface Condition (Dry, Wet, Snow, Mud, Dirt): Unknown

Manner of Crash Impact (Single Vehicle, Angle, Left Turn, Rear-End, Head-On, Sideswipe, U-Turn, Other, Unknown): Unknown

Location of Pedestrian/Cyclist (If Any): Seated on ground of parking lot


A 20-year-old woman was hospitalized early Sunday after being hit and run over by a vehicle in a northwest San Antonio parking lot. The incident occurred in the 8700 block of Wurzbach Road, near Fredericksburg Road, in the Medical Center neighborhood. It was reported at about 1:30 a.m. San Antonio Police said for reasons unknown, the woman was seated on the ground of the parking lot when she was hit by a vehicle that was reversing out of a parking space. The victim, who was said to have been “run over” was rushed by ambulance to a local hospital. Officials said she is expected to make a recovery. By the time officers arrived on the scene, the driver had fled the scene. An investigation and a search for the hit-and-run driver was underway. The SAPD said the driver faces a charge of failure to stop and render aid.

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